Saturday, October 10, 2015

Mountain lions feeding on a kill!

I found a fresh kill again! This is the third time in two years that I have found a freshly killed mule deer in this incredibly special "kill site" canyon, where I have learned to expect the unexpected. After finding this kill, I set up two Bushnell video cameras at the site. One hour later, these two beautiful mountain lion siblings showed up to feast on their kill.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fresh kill! Again for the third time. Mountain lions feeding!

Oh my!!!! I just found a fresh kill in the "kill site" canyon! Boy I got some work to do.
Lights, cameras, action! Stay tuned. I hope this big cat returns tonight.
Dinner for two! I did not expect this! Two mountain lions return to this fresh kill at 5:21 pm. Only an hour after I left. The DSLR really did it's job yesterday. Thank you again Denis Callet for building this awesome camera.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thirsty kitty! A new female Mountain Lion in a new canyon!

This is great! So after three weeks, a new female Mountain Lion passes by in the new canyon. I think I notice an injury to her left eye. Something I haven't seen before, leading to me to believe that it's a new lion. About a week ago, right next to my first camera, I unplugged a natural spring, creating a little watering hole. I put a camera up at the watering hole on Friday, and a thirsty lion stopped by on Sunday!

Monday, August 31, 2015

New canyon and new camera spot!

Here's the first couple of weeks at my new camera spot. This is where I found the mule deer remains of an old mountain lion kill. I also just recently discovered a plugged up natural spring right next to my camera. I unplugged it, and now there's a slow trickle of water creating a little pool of water. I just put a second camera in this new canyon, pointed right on the watering hole. I hope some creature stops by for a drink.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Summer time action! Mountain lions, bears, foxes and deer.

Here's the latest in the last couple of months at a few different camera spots. There's been a lot of deer activity lately, so naturally the mountain lions returned. First the male lion came by a few times to mark his territory. I think he had a kill near by. Then a week later, a female lion came by, and she left her mark and then checked out the male lion's scrape. Also the bears have returned. A mama bear and her one cub, who I've seen a few times this summer, passed by and checked out the camera. At another camera spot, a solo female bear passed by a few times, and then unexpectedly, a mama bear with two cubs passed by my "city lights" camera. I'm glad to see the action is starting to pick up, despite this cruel summer heat.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Little Gummy Bear and big Mama Bear.

I was really pleased to see a big bear going up these rocks. I was really surprised to then see a little bear cub walk into the picture and then climb up the rocks after his mom.

Well they didn't steal this camera. Yet.

This camera's still up and running and I put out two other cameras today. I'm trying to get back into it, and feel somewhat safe out there. I hate hate hate the thought of some creepy thief out there, watching me, and trying to find my cameras. Ugh.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Four cameras stolen!!!!

Four cameras stolen today! Not a good day at all. Thanks Johanna Turner for setting this up for me. You're a great friend and I'm very flattered by this effort, during this difficult time. Johanna set up a "go fund me" account to raise funds to replace my stolen cameras. Any donation is greatly appreciated and I'm very thankful for all of the support. If you can donate, there's a link below to do just that. Thank you everyone for your support.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Two Mountain Lions!

Well I didn't expect this. Two adult mountain lions caught hanging out together during their courtship in the "secret canyon." Hopefully there will be kittens in the future.

She's a beauty!

Here's some more pictures of a female mountain lion passing by my new DSLR camera for the first time. She's one beautiful and healthy cat.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Hello gorgeous!

Yes yes yes! I finally got a big cat on my new DSLR trail camera. This beautiful and cautious female Mountain Lion stopped by to check out the new camera while passing through the "secret canyon." Man was I excited to see this kitty show up on my camera!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Meanwhile in Big Dalton Canyon

Here's the latest action in Big Dalton Canyon in the last five weeks. A huge male black bear, a female and male mountain lion and some daytime bobcats passed by a few different cameras.